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MSW is a big problem for the cities in Indonesia since the population is growing and so the volume of MSW is also growing every year. Most of the cities are still using “the sanitary landfill open dumping system” as can be seen in the figures below.


Municipal Solid Waste at dumping siteGas emissions from landfill

                                      MSW at dumping site                                                                         Gas emissions from landfill


This system needs a lot of lands. Normally one landfill area of 5 up to 10 ha would be full in around 10 – 15 years and after that, the city or local government had to open a new one.

Landfills contribute to more than 2 % of greenhouse gas emissions annually.

It is not easy to look for a new dumping site, since those in that area will refuse it.

Now MSW is also considered as :

  • Source of recycled material (plastic, paper, metal, etc.)
  • Source of compost and
  • Renewable energy (RFD, electricity, and CNG)

With an integrated processing technology, MSW can be processed into sources of recycled materials, compost, and renewable energy

The Sorting of MSW

 The sorting of MSW



Recently PT. Tirtakreasi Amrita has extended its business line into an integrated MSW processing plant and can offer solutions to the cities in Indonesia to master the MSW problems.

We adopted the newest technology in MSW processing such as pyrolysis gasification and zero waste management.

The schematic diagram of the MSW processing plant is shown below.

 The schematic diagram of MSW processing plant


PT. Tirtakreasi Amrita and its partner are willing to invest and operate the MSW –processing plant for the cities and local government of Indonesia based on the following:

  • BOT concession for 25 – 30 years
  • Tipping fees from the cities or local government
  • PPA for the BOT period with a price of USD 0,185/kWh
  • Land support
  • All permits and licenses to build the processing plant

The produced electricity from the MSW processing plant is considered as renewable energy, and the State Electricity Company (PLN) is obliged to buy them.

We will help the cities and local governments overcome the MSW problems and reduce air pollution, protect the environment, and create new high-skill jobs!